Founder and Artistic Director,Gullah Kinfolk Traveling Theater
Anita Singleton Prather, a native of the Sea Islands of Beaufort, S.C. is the founder and artistic director of the musical performance group Gullah Kinfolk Traveling Theater. As a storyteller and singer, Ms. Singleton Prather wrote the traveling group's four plays, as well as the accompanying music.
In addition, she has written and co-produced Tales from the Land of Gullah and “Circle Unbroken: Gullah Journey from Africa to America,” filmed with the nationally acclaimed Gullah Kinfolk, broadcast nationwide on PBS and featured on her award-winning DVD. She was also the co-producer, writer, and featured storyteller on various Gullah CDs and DVDs. She partnered with South Carolina Educational Television (SCETV) to create an award-winning interactive children’s website, that featured her animated character, Aunt Pearlie Sue.
In 2007, Ms. Singleton Prather collaborated with the Children’s Museum of Houston to curate the 20,000 sq. ft. interactive traveling exhibition to introduce Gullah culture to young people throughout the United States and Canada. Through her Gullah heritage, Ms. Singleton Prather continues to be a “Keeper of the Culture,” creatively entertaining and educating audiences around the world of all ages and nationalities about the rich unique African experience in America that is Gullah. She has appeared on CNN's United Shades of America and The Cooking Channel sharing Gullah recipes.
Ms. Singleton Prather is a curriculum coordinator for the “Education of Gullah Culture Through the Arts.” She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Howard University, a master's from the University of South Carolina and continues her doctoral research in educational administration and curriculum design.

Aesop Fables Award, National Associations of Black Storytellers
South Carolina Jean Laney Folk Heritage Award
Preserving Our Place in History Award, South Carolina African America
Heritage Foundation
Rosalie Pazant Gullah Education Award
Brandyfoot Award
CIVITAS Tourism Award
Induction into 1862 Circle, Penn Center
Entrepreneurship Award, Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce
Emmanuel 9 Educational Support, South Carolina Women of Vision 2019
Community Service Award, Lands End Woodlands River Fest
World Bank Performance, Washington DC
United Nations Performance September 2016 UN Headquarters, New York City, NY
Arts Midwest Fest 10-week Tour
Villanova University Performance
The Connections Project Tour South Carolina (5-city tour) & Barbados, West Indies
Festival of the Sea, San Francisco
Black Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Jamerican; Kingston Jamaica
San Francisco Black Film Fest
Capital City Black Film Fest, Austin TX
Children's Museum of Houston, 20,000 sq.ft. Interactive Gullah Exhibit 2007- present
Chicken Dinner Money story listed on Top 10 Radio Chart
Award-winning SCETV Children's website: www.knowitall.org/gullahnet
Original Gullah Festival, VP
Beaufort County Accommodations Tax Board
ASCAP American Society of Composers, Authors
National Storytelling Network
National Association of Black Storytellers
Founder/ Chairperson Historic Beaufort SC Sea Island Holiday Celebration
ASE’-Gullah Education, LLC
Aunt Pearlie Sue & Singleton’s Catering
Not for Slim Only Plus-size Fashion Shows
Total Gullah Experience Event Planning Consortium
Broadway in Da’ Backwoods Productions